The Case for Taking a Break: How Rest and Recovery Add to Your Training

The Case for Taking a Break: How Rest and Recovery Add to Your Training

Most training plans include recovery days, or “active rest” periods. If you have a good understanding of physical fitness and the relationship between recovery and gains, this may be a no-brainer, but if you’ve ever wondered why rest and/or recovery is important, understanding its place may help you give it its due.

How Often Should You Train?

How Often Should You Train?

If you’re looking for a new workout plan--especially if you’re a busy mom or woman juggling a career with the other demands of modern life--you might search specifically for something that can be fit into your existing schedule easily, and only take up a couple of mornings a week.

My Kid Wants to WorkOut...WHat Do I Do?

My Kid Wants to WorkOut...WHat Do I Do?

If you’re a busy mom, and you’ve found time to make fitness a priority, chances are that your kids have noticed, and may have even had their curiosity piqued about your method of getting in shape, whether it’s weightlifting, running, or yoga. Now your kid wants to workout... what do you do?!

This is Your Brain on Exercise

This is Your Brain on Exercise

Studies showcasing the various physical benefits of different types and intensities of exercise are plentiful. Reduced risks of various health issues, improved sleep…but the mental benefits may not be as well touted or known, even though a recent University of British Columbia study suggests that they might be significant.