Can Working Out Make You a More Confident Person?

Can Working Out Make You a More Confident Person?

If you read very many women’s fitness magazines (and the interviews they contain), you’ll notice a common refrain spoken by the women who are talking about whatever fitness-related activity they’re engaged in…

“It gave me a confidence I didn’t have before.”

Keeping Fitness Momentum on the Road: Adapting Your Workout Plan While Traveling

Keeping Fitness Momentum on the Road: Adapting Your Workout Plan While Traveling

A mobile lifestyle or occasional travel doesn’t have to mean giving up the gains associated with a gym--find a trainer who offers workout plans that are adaptable for travel, or develop a method of incorporating bodyweight/resistance band training to your current format.

Traveling is fun, and staying fit while you do it is possible...just stay flexible, positive, and realistic!

2018 Girl Power Play List: Empowering Songs for Women

2018 Girl Power Play List: Empowering Songs for Women

And what women's fitness camp would be complete without a girl power play list full of empowering songs for women as background music?

Here's my list so for this year's Camp GORGO. If you have suggestions, I'd love to hear!

Yoga: Stretch Your Body and Your Mind

Yoga: Stretch Your Body and Your Mind

Yoga has gone from a fringe activity--the pursuit of a few spiritually minded individuals--to a mainstream topic in fitness circles. Everyone from grandmas to Marines are now engaging in what used to be the purview of mystics, and that begs the it still a sacred pursuit? Or just a great physical workout?

Functional Fitness and You

Cross-training has been promoted by an assortment of fitness professionals for years. Runners need strength, bodybuilders need flexibility...these were radical suggestions at one time, but now they’re generally accepted in training circles.

Fitness Tracking Tools--How Much Do They Help?

Fitness Tracking Tools--How Much Do They Help?

It’s rare now to see anyone in the gym, running on the road or track, or even just walking around the office without some kind of wearable fitness tracking device, and it can’t help but make you wonder--do fitness tracking tools help you reach fitness goals?

Plan to Fail: Should You Utilize Failure in Your Training?

In the weight lifting world, failure is not only an option, it’s a good one. But if you don’t feel inclined to push yourself to the limit, there are other choices out there. If you’d like to maximize muscle growth and have the ability to engage in smaller, more frequent workouts, it’s a productive alternative.