long term success

A Key to Long Term Success: Give Yourself Grace

By Valerie Solomon, Busy Mom Gets Fit


So you are in a funk.

You fell off track.

You can’t seem to stick to the plan.

You went on vacation and blew it.

You haven’t been taking the time to do it.

What’s the dialogue going on in your mind about this?

Are you beating yourself up for the decision you made? Are you mean to yourself because you haven’t taken the actions you wish you would take? Did you start then quit and now you label yourself a quitter? 

My best advice to help you truly move forward long term is:

Give yourself grace.

In other words, give yourself a pass.

Grace is defined biblically as a concept of “undeserved kindness”. It is showing compassion and love towards a person even if they might not appreciate it, return the favour, or even deserve it.

Grace is choosing to act positively towards someone who might even hate you, or have done wrong to you.

And when you give yourself grace, it is self compassion, self love, and the kindness you need from the person that matters most.

You are human.

You have a lot on your plate.

Life happens.

It’s absolutely NEVER going to be the case that you stick 100% to a plan you’ve set out for yourself. It’s unreasonable to think you could be perfect. 

Good stuff causes us to need to pause: vacations, birthdays, rest days

Tough stuff causes us to need to pause: injury, illness, taking care of someone, figuring life out for a bit

Just give yourself the space, acceptance and grace to be human.

Take a deep breath.

Reset your goals.

And start again.