vals olomon

Strong Vibes Only

By Valerie Solomon, Busy Mom Gets Fit

Strong Vibes Only.

I chose this phrase to put on the tank tops I gifted my Val’s Gals training clients in the month of June, because my goal for them (you) ultimately, is to be strong.

Strong Backs, Legs, Arms, Abs, Glutes… of course.


But more importantly:

Strong Minds.

Strong Voice.

Strong Character.

Strong Opinions.

Strong Points.

Strong Words.

Strong Hearts.

Strong Wills.

Strong Kids.

Strong Relationships.

Strong Friendships.

Strong Bonds.

When you find your own ‘Strong’, sometimes through challenges and sometimes through exercise, you change.

You realize what you are capable of.

You realize what you deserve.

You realize that you can do, think, lift, and be more than you once thought.

Good vibes are great.

Skinny Dreams are something.

But Strong Vibes create ripple effects in the world.

When you are strong, you show up for yourself and others. You take up the space the world needs you take up. You carry the things the world needs you to carry. You are more bold and willing to show up as your true self. 

I’ll take good vibes. But I’ll be happy with Strong Vibes Only.