busy mom gets fit

How to Train Chest & Shoulders Busy Mom Style


By Val Solomon

I love sharing a great workout.

I was recently asked how I split up my workouts. I love to do body part split style workouts like a Chest and Shoulder. Here is one of my most recent favorites.

This is how to train chest & shoulders busy mom style:


You are not Unmotivated, You are Exhausted

By Valerie Solomon, Busy Mom Gets Fit


“You are not lazy, unmotivated, or stuck. After years of living your life in survival mode, you are exhausted. There is a difference.” - Nakeia Homer

I love this quote I came across recently. It makes me think of so many of the women I work with or speak to about fitness.

I often hear women say things like…

I just need to find the motivation.

I’m lazy. I won’t do it.

I know myself, I won’t follow through. I’m stuck.

Lack of motivation, lack of energy, and lack of stick-to-it-iveness are not the root reason for why you won’t do what you need to do to get healthy, strong and fit.

You are not lazy. Look at all you do in a day for everyone else.

You are not unmotivated. I promise if your kids needed it, you’d make it happen with great determination.

You are not stuck. Although you may not see how to change your circumstance, there are some simple solutions that take no time… just a mental shift.

The root problem is that you have been going through your days, weeks, months, and even years taking care of everyone and everything else. You still haven’t decided to put yourself on your list of things to take good care of.

The solution is to start taking care of yourself too.

Start With a Scheduled Workout

When was the last time you said, “No I can’t. I need to exercise.”

Schedule in a morning walk or a workout… even if someone else needs to wait so you can get it done. Although you may lack energy to get started, the endorphins will have you feeling motivated in no time.

Start Eating to Fuel Your Body for Energy

When was the last time you made a meal around your goals instead of what someone else you love wants?

Your body is lacking the nutrition it needs for you to feel motivated.

Your body is lacking the water it needs to feel energetic and think clearly.

Start With a Decision That You Will Take Care of Yourself Too

The sacrificial woman giving all of herself to everyone else is really not what everyone else needs. The people you love need a strong, healthy and happy you that will be around for many years to come. You can eat a little better. You can chug a little more water. You can go for a walk. You have to.

Stop Saying You Can’t 

Maybe you have been through a rough or exceptionally busy time. That’s in the past. Don’t let the you that was in survival mode dictate what this new you will do. You are capable of shifting your mindset. You are capable of standing up for yourself ..even if the critic is your own brain.  

Give yourself some grace. 

No more labeling yourself in a negative way.

Just get up and do something small today to take care of you.

A Lesson From Young Athletes

By Valerie Solomon, Busy Mom Gets Fit


Recently I was observing an elite teenage girls soccer team train on the track while one of my boys was practicing on the field. The girls ran a series of drills... Some laps for time, then a line drill set. 

These girls looked like phenomenal athletes. All of them were strong and in great shape.

One girl in particular was last to finish in every drill they did.

She was the shortest of them all with powerful quads. A few of the other girls who finished sooner would turn around a root her on to the finish every time.

I watched this go on for 45 minutes or so. At first I thought, “Man I’d hate to be the one that is last every time”.

Then I noticed.

When they did the line drill, many (most) of the girls stopped shy of the line 2 feet, 3 feet, a couple yards even when they were to turn around. They didn’t want to be last either. 

But my powerful quad girl went past the line. Everytime. She gave zero cares about being last. She gave 100% effort to the drill itself… to improve herself, to work hard. 

If I was picking players for a team that night based on just these running drills, she’d be my number one pick.


Mental toughness.

Giving zero cares about the noise around her and focusing on doing the hard work 100% all out.

And my second picks would be the girls who finished first, of course, and turned around to cheer on the rest. 

The world needs women who root for other women. And the world needs confident women who put their blinders on and do the work they need to do without caring what anyone thinks.

Which will you be? 

Can we be both?

Strong Vibes Only

By Valerie Solomon, Busy Mom Gets Fit

Strong Vibes Only.

I chose this phrase to put on the tank tops I gifted my Val’s Gals training clients in the month of June, because my goal for them (you) ultimately, is to be strong.

Strong Backs, Legs, Arms, Abs, Glutes… of course.


But more importantly:

Strong Minds.

Strong Voice.

Strong Character.

Strong Opinions.

Strong Points.

Strong Words.

Strong Hearts.

Strong Wills.

Strong Kids.

Strong Relationships.

Strong Friendships.

Strong Bonds.

When you find your own ‘Strong’, sometimes through challenges and sometimes through exercise, you change.

You realize what you are capable of.

You realize what you deserve.

You realize that you can do, think, lift, and be more than you once thought.

Good vibes are great.

Skinny Dreams are something.

But Strong Vibes create ripple effects in the world.

When you are strong, you show up for yourself and others. You take up the space the world needs you take up. You carry the things the world needs you to carry. You are more bold and willing to show up as your true self. 

I’ll take good vibes. But I’ll be happy with Strong Vibes Only. 

Why Am I Tired all of the Time? 6 Reasons

By Valerie Solomon


A common issue with women that I speak to about diet is that they are craving more energy. Yes we want weight loss, but we really want to feel good.

They say:

I eat well, but I’m so tired.


I don’t know where to start to feel better.

Here are 6 Reasons You May be Feeling Tired:

1. You’re eating too much sugar.

Simple sugar is digested quickly by the body, leading to a dip in blood sugar levels that leaves you feeling fatigued.

2. You aren’t exercising enough.

Exercise gives you a short-term energy boost, even if you started out tired. Regular exercise improves sleep quality, which will ultimately leave you feeling more well rested.

3. You’re skipping breakfast.

It's important to give your body good fuel to start the day.

4. Your overall nutrition is lacking nutrients your body needs to feel and function its best.

This is why we take vitamins and all natural supplements... to fill the nutritional gaps.

5. You’re dehydrated.

Even mild dehydration can have adverse effects on energy level, moon, and concentration.

6. You’re not snacking smart.

Choose a snack that has a combo of protein and complex carbs for an energy boost that will last throughout the afternoon.

Tone Legs & Blast Fat: Leg & Butt Interval Circuit Workout

By Valerie Solomon, Busy Mom Gets Fit

This leg and glute workout combines some great strength training movements with movements to get your heart rate up for an excellent strength, toning and fat burning workout.

In true Busy Mom Gets Fit fashion, this is tough! These are some of my favorite movements to really target quads, glutes, and hamstrings. You may hate me now, but you will love me later.


  • Download an interval timer to your phone.

  • You will be completing 10 exercises for a set amount of time, resting in between.

  • Then, you will repeat the entire set again for a great leg toning and fat blasting workout.

Use this guide to decide your intervals of hard work and rest:

Beginners: 30 seconds of work & 30 seconds of rest for the 10 exercises. Repeat the set 2 times with a 2 minute rest in between. Move slow and steady.

Intermediate: 40 seconds of work & 20 seconds of rest for the 10 exercises. Repeat the set 2-3 times with a 2 minute rest in between.

Advanced: 45 seconds of work & 15 seconds of rest for the 10 exercises. Repeat the set 3-4 times with a 2 minute rest in between.

The Workout:

  1. Split Stance or Stagger Stance RDL - Right Side

Stagger your feet as shown - the back foot propped on your toe. Hold dumbbells at your sides. Hinge at the hips, keep your backbone straight (no cat back! This is important.). Lower the dumbbells to mid shin and back up with control. You should feel this in your glutes and hamstrings (back of legs).


2. Split Stance or Stagger Stance RDL - Left Side


3. 1.5 Goblet Squat

Stand with good posture - feet a bit wide than shoulder width apart. Hold a weight at your chest. Lower down lower than your knees by sitting your butt back as if you are trying to touch it to a tiny stool way behind you. Come up only half way and then go back down low. Each rep is one and a half squats.


4. Bulgarian Split Squat - Right Side

This movement is like a lunge except your back leg is raised. Keep good posture through your back. Protect your knees by moving your foot more forward as needed.


5. Bulgarian Split Squat - Left Side


6. Toe Taps

This movement is almost like running in place. I just like to think about tapping my toe to something such as a ball, weight, or even a chair.


7. Reverse Lunge Hops - Right Side

Step back into a reverse lunge, and as you come up, swing your knee up to add a hop. I find adding in the arm movements helps me get into a good rhythm. These are tough!


8. Reverse Lunge Hops - Left Side


9. Speed Skaters

You’ve seen them in the Olympics! Now channel your inner speed skater rounding a corner. Hop from side to side. The main goal here is to move and get that heart rate up.


10. Glute Bridge with a Squeeze at the Top

Lie on your back as shown with feet flat on the floor. Moving feet further or closer to your behind can make it easier or harder, so you choose. Raise up your butt, and pause at the top for a good squeeze. Nice and slow.


Yes! This is so tough, but you did it! I’d love to hear from you, and I’d love to see sweaty selfies from this workout. Find me on Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, etc. as BusyMomGetsFit.

5 Killer At Home Workout Exercises for Your Butt

5 Killer At Home Workout Exercises for Your Butt

These 5 killer at home exercises in this workout will activate your glutes in different ways (slow movements, and powerful jumps) and directions (side to side and diagonal) to help build muscle like never before.