Strength Training for Women Can Do More Than Build (Physical) Muscles

Badass factor of building visibly strong muscles aside, strength training for women has a multitude of benefits.


What are they? What issues top most women’s lists? It varies from individual to individual, but if we’re being honest, there are some standard female challenges, that strength training for women can address...

Your Mental Clarity. From the anxiety and depression that can accompany PMS or PMDD and the rollercoaster of pregnancy and postpartum changes, to the “brain fog” of menopause, for most of a woman’s hormonal life, she is struggling against the mental effects that hormone dips and swells can cause. Studies have shown that strength training for women is particularly beneficial

Your Libido. Research indicates that cardio combined with moderate intensity resistance training has a positive effect on lowered libido in women. Even if you aren’t experiencing a low drive for physical reasons, building strength and muscle can help with your self esteem...which is often the culprit, too. (One study that demonstrated increased self esteem in young women after exercise pointed to weight training as slightly more effective.)

Your Booty. Can we just admit that some of us are on a seemingly never ending quest to plump our backsides? You can blame J-Lo, you can embrace what God gave you, and you can also build up your glutes (they’re more than just decorative; a strong posterier chain is important to protect your back as you age) with...say it with me...weight lifting.

Your Skin. Strength training for women might have a positive effect on aging skin. Yes, you should embrace those stretch marks that remind you that you grew a person. Yes, each laugh line reminds you of happiness. But keeping a rosy tone and healthy skin surface is still something you want, and research may be pointing towards the improved mitochondrial function that strength training for women provides as a boost for skin.

Your Bones. Weight lifting builds up your bones in much the same way it builds your muscles. When bones perceive stress they build up, offering a protective mechanism against that other “Big O”...osteoporosis.

The reasons are legion for women to strength train, but these are a few of the biggies.

Already on board, but ready to dial it up? Newbie who needs direction? We have a plan for you!


Trujillo, C. "Effects of weight training and running exercise intervention programs on the self-esteem of college women