Why Am I Tired all of the Time? 6 Reasons

By Valerie Solomon


A common issue with women that I speak to about diet is that they are craving more energy. Yes we want weight loss, but we really want to feel good.

They say:

I eat well, but I’m so tired.


I don’t know where to start to feel better.

Here are 6 Reasons You May be Feeling Tired:

1. You’re eating too much sugar.

Simple sugar is digested quickly by the body, leading to a dip in blood sugar levels that leaves you feeling fatigued.

2. You aren’t exercising enough.

Exercise gives you a short-term energy boost, even if you started out tired. Regular exercise improves sleep quality, which will ultimately leave you feeling more well rested.

3. You’re skipping breakfast.

It's important to give your body good fuel to start the day.

4. Your overall nutrition is lacking nutrients your body needs to feel and function its best.

This is why we take vitamins and all natural supplements... to fill the nutritional gaps.

5. You’re dehydrated.

Even mild dehydration can have adverse effects on energy level, moon, and concentration.

6. You’re not snacking smart.

Choose a snack that has a combo of protein and complex carbs for an energy boost that will last throughout the afternoon.