how to reach fitness goals

The One Thing Keeping You From Reaching Your Fitness Goal and How to Fix it Now.


After years of working with women, I know what is keeping you from reaching your fitness goals.

It’s not your genetics.

It’s not your body type.

It’s not your metabolism.

It’s not that you don’t have time.

It’s not that you don’t know what to do.

It’s not that you always quit everything you start…. (Well, we are getting closer here.)

The one thing keeping you from never reaching your fitness goal is that you don’t believe in yourself that you can.

Maybe you are saying, “I am going to try to hit this goal.” You start out testing your own will to stick to a routine. 

Or maybe you say  “I am afraid to commit to a program because I don’t trust myself that I will stick to it.”

Or do you pay a trainer because you think the outside accountability will make up for your lack of belief in yourself? You think that somehow others will be able to inspire you to change for good... 

Meanwhile, you have this ongoing and LOUD inner voice doubting yourself?

It’s my experience as a trainer, that if you don’t find some belief and confidence in yourself, you won’t succeed. If your inner voice isn’t coaching you onward, it’s going to overpower any other motivating voice in your life.

It’s the inner confidence, belief and vision you have for YOURSELF that will get you to your fitness goals. 

A trainer can provide a program, empowerment, and outward motivation, but until you work on your inner voice and belief system, you won’t change for good.

“You’ll See It When You Believe It.” - Wayne Dyer


This is a simple lesson in the law of attraction.

When you consciously or subconsciously doubt yourself, you are attracting the “staying stuck” into your life.

When you believe that you will reach your goal, you will.

The good news is that we can fix this! We can even fix it quickly if we really choose to.

How do we go from doubt to belief? 

Here are some tips to start building your belief today:

1. Borrow someone else’s belief.

For once, believe your trainer or your friend when they say, “I know you can do this.” 

2. Look for proof from other’s stories.

I promise that someone else with a similar story (or even a tougher one) to yours has done what you want to do. I know someone that is a bodybuilder with no arms! I know people who have lost 100s of pounds; I know many moms who are in better shape now than before kids; I know many women in their 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s + that are in their best shape of their lives. You can do it. Others have even paved the way.

3. Recognize your inner voice and what it is saying to you about this.

A simple recognition that you are speaking doubt into yourself, can shut it down. Recognize the dialogue, and stop it.

4. Make a firm decision now to change.

Some people spend a lifetime trying to change, and some people decide in an instant that enough is enough. A firm decision to change, that truly shifts your life, can take years to arrive at, or it can take a split second. It’s up to you. What if you said right now, “I am going to do this and I know that I can and I will.”?


5. Keep believing in yourself and that you will reach the goal even when you have a bad week.

Falling off the wagon does not mean you are a failure. Life happens. Call on your belief in yourself and your commitment to succeed and just climb back up there. It’s a journey of ups and downs and sometimes changing direction completely, but you will arrive…. If you believe that you will. 

We could all use support, positive coaching, a circle of people that help us along, but true empowerment and change happens when you believe it for yourself. That’s what I want for you.

Please reach out if I can help.

Val Solomon, Busy Mom Gets Fit